#sneed gifs
muchcelebrated · 9 months
The fear in Sneed’s eyes and the way he backs away as Belle is coming to tell him off about the duel is the funniest shit ever.
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Like he can pretend women are the “gentler sex” and that they don’t belong in surgery all he wants, but this clip says it all. He knows Belle is not someone to be messed with.
Gif credits to the wonderful @wildwren
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n0rmalfag · 2 years
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colinodonoghue · 2 months
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Colin O'Donoghue as J.J. Sneed ↳ Dolly Parton's Heartstrings
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chenfordsource · 7 months
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THE ROOKIE 6x02 “The Hammer”
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killianjonezs · 2 months
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Colin O'Donoghue as J.J. Sneed ↳ Dolly Parton's Heartstrings
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butcharondir · 9 months
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Nicholas Burton as Rainsford Sneed // The Artful Dodger (2023)
Now, I assume you'll be maintaining your strong stance against anesthetic?
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lasaraconor · 7 months
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phantomoftheorpheum · 8 months
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THE ARTFUL DODGER | 1x08 | Untapped Potential - for @weasleyclan
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The guest - pt 5
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Your feet dragged in the sand and dirt as you wandered blindly through the streets. Every moment you walked you wandered how soon you would be taken by the redcoats as a mad woman. The sun beat down on you as you walked. Your dress scraping along the ground. They had been a pleasure that first day but now the novelty had worn off and you longed for your denim jeans and simple t-shirts. So wrapped up.in your thoughts, you barely noticed your shoulder knocking into something. Someone.
"Oh Miss y/l/n, I didn't see you there." Two hands held your shoulders to steady you as you looked up into Sneed's eyes.
"I'm sorry Doctor. I wasn't paying attention." You blink a few times.
"Are you unwell?" He asks.
"No, I...perhaps I am." You answer him.
"Do you have a carriage? I can escort you back to Government house or the hospital." Sneed looked around as if he might see a carriage waiting for you.
"Um, yes to Government house, please. I don't have a carriage."
He takes your arm and folds through his own, his touch was surprisingly soft and he walked at your pace towards the road. Where he found Captain Gaines.
"Captain, would you bestow us the favour of use of your carriage? The young lady needs a ride back to Government house." Sneed asked the Captain. Gaines eyed you skeptically before agreeing, he commanded one of his men to get it ready for you.
"Now, let me look at you for a moment." Sneed said, turning you to face him. He checked your eyes, your tongue and your pulse, holding two fingers to your wrist. "You need some rest and fluids, okay?" He states, dipping his head slightly to look into your eyes. He helped you up into the carriage and sat opposite you.
You take in a staggered breath as it pulls out of town.
"How is your arm? A fracture I heard." He took hold of your bandaged arm to examine it.
"Yes, a hairline fracture. Nothing too serious. The swelling has been minimal." You explain.
"And the pain?"
He turns your hand over seeing the hints of dirt on the bandage, "here let me change this for you." He says, popping open his medical bag and pulling a clean strip of bandage out. His fingers swiftly but gently unwrapped your arm. The air touching your skin felt good after a few days wrapped up. Before he put the new bandage on, Sneed ran his hands over your skin. You knew what he was doing, you had done it yourself.many times. Checking for anything that may have been missed before. A clinical moment that should mean nothing, yet here alone in the carriage it felt intimate, too intimate. You chance a look at his face and see Sneed physically shake his head out of whatever thought had caught his mind.
The new bandage felt softer than the first. Sneed had placed the splints a pinch over from their original places, which held your wrist much firmer in place.
The carriage pulled up to a stop and you see Fanny running out to meet you.
"Oh my gosh! What happened?" She asked as Sneed lifted you out of the carriage, his hands around your waist.
"All is well, Lady Fanny. Miss y/l/n is a little fatigued, that's all. Get her to bed, she will need a few days to rest. Plenty of fluids and some sweet treats." He gave you a grin at his last words.
"Oh Doctor Sneed, thank you." Fanny gushed, taking your hand in hers.
"Thank you Doctor." You say looking back at him.
"I can save them hands of yours, Dodge." Fagin announced to his younger friend.
" What, you got all 26 pounds?" Jack was confused.
" And so much more." Fagin grinned, that mischievous grin that always made Jack want to groan.
"No, not from one collection plate."
" No, more from information shared in the sanctity of the confession box. But it is a lay-down hand." Fagin explained.
" Do you have the money, yes or no?"
"Yes, I do. Yes, I do. It's just, it's a question of collecting it." The older man spoke with his hands dancing around in front of him, years of practiced diversion become natural
" Good. Where from?" Jack demanded.
" From the military barracks."
" No, no, no."
"Hear me out, hear me out. All we gotta do is break into the military quarters, slip past a guard or two. Stroll into Gaines' abode, where his missus is in the gentle arms of Morpheus. Pinch the payload, and you will be scoffing scones and cream with two hands."
" And that will be my last meal. I told you what a madman Gaines is." Jack scowled.
"Yes, I know it. He opened up to me intimately. He's going away for three days. I've got it all planned out. Solid, copper-bottomed, foolproof." Fagin implored.
" You never plan anything. You just make stuff up on the spot, and then you hang people out to dry." Jack huffed.
"No, no, no, you see before you a changed man. I am growing, Dodge, please. Please grow with me."
"No, I've made that mistake once before." Jack shoved Fagin back and stormed away.
"You know, you never truly leave the old ways behind. You used to positively squeal with delight after a heist. Grubby little smile, from ear to ear."
" I do not squeal." Jack bit.
"Well, in that case, bid a fond farewell to your hand. Because without it, you might as well be talking to the lid."
Jack ignored him turning away from his old companion.
"I saw you with that little miss smarty bones. She is a pretty thing."
"Fagin, stop. Don't talk about her like that. I don't want to talk about her." Jack growled.
"oooh she has got you bothered." Fagin laughed.
"No, it's just....she isn't from here, she'll be leaving soon...she won't be able to stay." Jack's voice softened by the end of words. A new realisation falling over him. Y/n might not be here for long.
That evening the two men went to Captain Gaines house in search of the payroll. It had already been taken but what they did find was information. Darius and Gaines' wife were having an affair. Fagin knew the information would one day come in handy.
At Government house you sat in your room reading through a medical book. You had seen copies in your student days but none in the original form as you held now. It was a marvel to you. Still your mind would wander back to the two doctors. Jack now knew your secret, how long would it be before he told people? And Sneed....the way he had held your hand and the look in his eyes. It was a different man than you had seen on the show. Perhaps editing was all they say it is. You decided it was time to start making your time here as full as it could be. You would spend time getting to know everyone you could. Starting with Fanny and then Sneed perhaps. The people important to the show but still so undiscovered.
If you stayed quiet and away from him, perhaps Jack wouldn't say anything for a while.
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon
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sweetbuckybarnes · 8 months
Wake Up, Belle
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Pairings: Jack “Artful Dodger” Dawkins + Lady Belle Fox
Summary: What if Belle woke up on the table?
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Jack and Sneed had just finished sewing up Belle’s chest, Jack only had time to drop the tools in his hands haphazardly onto the nearby table, before he was cupping her face, bloody fingers leaving red fingerprints on her cheeks.
“Wake up, Belle,” Jack begged, his eyes roaming her face as he is thumb came to rest on the feel of her heartbeat on the side of her neck. Her heart was beating! So why wasn’t she waking up? “Please, wake up, Belle!”
Gaines came around the table gun in one hand, and wrapped his hand around Jack’s upper arm. “Alright, time to go.”
“No, leave me. Belle, wake up,” he didn’t want to slap her awake - she was a lady after all - but if it’s what wakes her up, he’d do it.
Just as Gaines dragged him off Belle’s body, she took in a sudden deep breath, and her eyes cracked open as she caught her breath.
“Oh darling,” Lady Jane pushed herself around to Jack’s side of the table and blocked her daughter’s view of the surgeon. “Oh, my darling!”
“Jack,” Belle called, reaching her hand past her mother and to the man she loves. Lady Jane took hold of her daughter’s hand, who was quick to shake her off. “Jack.”
He peered over her mother’s shoulder, tears of relief filling his eyes. “Welcome back, Lady Belle.”
“Jack,” she reached her hand over for him to take, but pulled her hand away from her mother’s grip once again. “No, I want Jack.”
“You didn’t believe me when I told you I had an aortic aneurysm, you tried to tell me I was wrong, but I was right,” she stared her mother down, reaching her hand out for a third time for Jack to take - even with his hands covered in her blood - he took it. “Jack was the only one who believed me.”
Lady Jane stumbled over her words trying to find the right ones which would separate her daughter from the twisted surgeon for good. However, it was Captain Gaines who spoke up. “My lady, he is a criminal and a thief, he will be hung from the gallows in the morning.”
Belle looked up at Jack, whose face had paled - he had saved the love of his life’s life and now he was condemned to death. She turned her head to look at her father. “Papa, will you pardon Jack, please?”
“Belle, my sweet,” the Governor started, looking at his wife (with her eyes, she was telling him to say no), Gaines (who was silently wanting him to allow him to hand Jack Dawkins), then to the man himself - the young man who he presumed to be a few years older than Belle, was as white as a sheet, staring down at Belle both scared for his life and a look of adoration. Then he turns his eyes on Belle, his little girl (despite being the age of 25), as she looks up at him from the theatre table where just five minutes ago was battling with herself to stay alive, she looks over at Jack with the same adoring eyes, and then up at her father. “Do you love him?”
Belle looked back over at Jack, staring up at his face, framed by his dark hair and dark eyes swimming with tears. In the throes of pain, before she was given the ether, she remembers Jack telling her that he loves her.
“I do. I love him.”
“Then he shall be pardoned, and on the Prof’s retirement, shall be made Head Surgeon,” the Governor declares, watching as his daughter’s face lit up, turning her head to look up at Jack and raise a hand to cup his face.
Jack’s face flooded with relief, leaning down so he could press his forehead against Belle’s then nudging his nose along hers.
“I knew you could do it,” Belle tells him, obviously referring to her surgery.
“Edmund, dearest,” his wife comes around the table, digging her fingernails into his arm. “I thought Dr. Sneed was going to be Head Surgeon.”
The Governor looked over at the other surgeon in the room, who was looking at Jack with what could be considered pride. “Dr Dawkins just saved our daughter’s life, we are very lucky to have him as our surgeon in Port Victory.”
Jack hadn’t taken his eyes off Belle, “I’ll be back in a moment, I need to go clean up,” he motioned to his hands covered in her blood, whilst remembering about the spare shirt he keeps in his office.
“Jack,” Belle says, wrapping her hands around a little bit tighter.
“Lady Fanny, will you keep your sister company while I clean up?” Jack asks the youngest Fox daughter.
Fanny nods, hurrying as fast as her skirt would allow her. “Of course, Dr. Dawkins,” she took her sister’s hand, as Jack leaned down and pressed a slightly scandalous kiss to her forehead.
“I’ll be back in a moment, my lady.”
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Belle watched, as she tipped her head until she lost sight of him, as Jack made his way to the bowls and cleaned himself up.
“Belle, do you truly love him?” Fanny asked, looking down at her sister in awe and curiosity.
“Yes, I don’t think I could ever stop loving him.”
Belle didn’t pay her mother any kind of attention until Lady Jane made an unladylike noise. “Belle, it is improper from someone of your station to be associated with him. Society will turn its back on you.”
Belle glanced over at her mother. “Don’t you know, mother?” She looks at her. “I am society.”
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n0rmalfag · 2 years
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colinodonoghue · 1 year
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Colin O'Donoghue as J. J. Sneed ↳ Dolly Parton's Heartstrings
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sergeantpixie · 8 months
my thoughts after watching episode five of the Artful Dodger:
2. “the whale’s wife” oh fagin can turn a phrase
3. “being spurned by a woman is a great boon to our profession” DON’T REMIND ME
4. “i want a win” 😭😭😭
5. “i keep seeing these in my dreams” FANNY 🤭
6. Belle’s red coat is Stunning, i envy her wardrobe
7. “WHY” Belle is so funny pls
9. Jack is only thinking of Belle 🥺
10. BUTT - 2/10 not juicy enough
11. i know fagin is just lying to buy them more time but it’s so nice of him to throw jack an interesting case and give him an excuse to talk to belle after their fight 🤭
12. “we all thought that that smell was coming from you” CHILDISH but so funny
13. Fanny is actually a great sister, we stan
15. he’s eating her soup, i love them
16. “apparently a tree” HIS FACE
17. they’re in love, your honor
18. “it is so dangerous.” “yeah, but you love that, don’t ya”
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19. “but i don’t really know how to talk to women, i’ve never really found the need to” “i am similarly rarely interest in what a man has to say” and that’s on soulmates (also same @ belle)
20. “not all of you.” i think they should kiss 😊
21. “tell me why you like being a navigator?” god belle’s bedside manner has improved so much
22. jack being honest with him and letting the man decide if he wants to take the risk!!! what a man!!!
23. i love the quiet scenes after surgeries between them, it’s so intimate
24. “i’d never had my own bed before” 😭😭😭
25. “it was the best and the worst times” love these fanfic writers for letting the dickensian character quote dickens lol
26. the way he looks at her 🥺
28. the glove slap, i snorted 🤣🤣🤣
29. Belle’s mama is a savage
30. Sneed saying “christ” and stumbling back when he says Belle coming at him at least says he’s not a complete fool
32. the wink, this idiot lmao
34. “hmm, lobster bisque.” PLS SHE’S SO FUNNY
35. i don’t trust youuuuuu fagin!!!
36. fagin trash talking sneed is funny tho
37. the tears in jack’s eyes when fagin has to take his place in the duel, a soft boy 🥺
39. the navigator mocking sneed 💀
40. sneed being put in the position of begging jack to save his leg is delicious, pls sir i want some more
41. belle, jack, and hetty working together is everything i’ve ever wanted, ot3?
42. ngl i kinda enjoy hetty calling jack out
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raging-violets · 9 months
The Artful Dodger: "Trust Me, I'm a Doctor" | SneedxOC
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*I'm using this gif because I can't find one of Sneed not reacting to Lady Belle stalking him down, haha*
Summary: Rainsford Sneed and Molly Atwood have no ill will towards each other. None. They were just doing their jobs: serving and...doctoring. 
Set around Episode 4 with the “anesthesia” and Episode 6 with the “Pepper Jelly” 
Authored by: Rhuben
Original Character: Molly Atwood (*also stuck between the name Effie Atwood*)
“Don’t move.” Rainsford Sneed barely turned to take stock of tools at his disposal when the woman’s hands flew up towards her face. “I said don’t move!” She dropped her hands again, tightly gripping the arms of her chair, shifting and rocking from side to side. “You’re acting like a bloody fish yourself, ma’am. It’s very unbecoming.” 
“You try having a hook stuck in your eye and not moving.” Both eyes firmly clamped shut, Sneed knew she was still trying to gauge just how much damage had been done. The fishing hook shifted and bobbed with each shift of her eyes. At least the bleeding stopped. “I can now surely understand why a fish wiggles so.” 
“Yes, I can only imagine the pain you’re in ma’am,” Sneed replied, “but unless you wish to lose sight in your eye entirely, which, I do insist would be a shame, I must ask that you try to stay still.” 
Squinting open her good eye, Molly Atwood managed to give Sneed her best attempt at a glare. He noticed the green flecks in her hazel eyes with the light of the sun cast across her face. Yes, it would be a shame... Clearing his throat, he quickly stepped away from her, giving a wide berth to look over exactly what tools he needed. He had to be professional.  
“You’re not going to take me into the theater, then?” Molly asked from behind him. Sneed glanced at her over his shoulder. She seemed to be relaxed now If only for a moment. 
“This will only take a few moments,” he said, starting to roll up his shirt sleeves. “The drunkards wouldn’t take too kindly to such an easy foray, I’d imagine.” He sighed. “Don’t think they’d believe it to be a good show.” 
“Yes, I suppose we mustn’t deprive them of excellent entertainment.” 
He took her sarcasm in stride. It was that kind of entertainment that would help get him into the professor’s position. God willing. Still, there was a thrill to surgery. Some might call it barbaric. But he enjoyed it. And those that came out to watch his prowess as a surgeon, when he won the coin toss, enjoyed it, too. 
“You don’t need Hetty?” she asked. “Are you sure you can do this?” 
Pressing his lips together, Sneed grabbed the glass bottle sitting on his workstation, pointed the nozzle at her face, and squeezed his finger around the trigger. Twice.  
For both questions. 
A squeak of surprise came from Molly as she jerked in her seat, face now wet. “What on Earth was that?” 
Letting out a long sigh through his nose, Sneed set down the perfume bottle. A little harder than he needed to, he supposed. But if it worked... His gaze shifted through the window and towards the theater where Jack and Lady Belle were pacing back and forth across the room, deep in discussion. Belle’s head buried deep in the book, index finger gliding across the pages. If they said it worked... 
“It’ll help,” he said quietly. “Does it sting?” 
“Is it supposed to?” Molly asked in alarm, her grip tightening on the rests of the chair she was in. “If my face falls off, Rainsford Sneed...” 
His lips twitched upwards into a hint of a smile. One he quickly erased from his visage. Besides, it was another empty threat, he was sure. She had yet to see his demise after all this time. In fact, he had gotten quite used to these words from her. Only she normally had a sharp knife on her, not the stink of fish, as he usually found her in the middle of assisting preparing a meal for the Govenor and his fellowship. Or another task which Lady Jane Fox had asked of her. 
“So, how did this happen?” he asked. 
“I told you; I was fishing. I caught one. I got startled by a commotion. I jerked back on the line and...” She made an odd squishing sound with her mouth, lazily indicating her eye.  
“You can remove it, can’t you?” 
“Yes, I believe I can.” 
“Will I lose my eye?” 
“I hope not.” 
“Yeah, me too.” After all, how could she fulfill her dream of sailing the open seas without sight? “I do trust you.” 
Sneed gave a sharp shake of his head. How would he fulfill his dream of becoming Head Surgeon if he didn’t concentrate? Sailing the seas was no life for a lady, but just the same, he still had to do his job. He stretched his hands, and his fingers before picking up a scalpel, hovering it over her face. 
“I do mean it this time, don’t move,” he said. Molly’s chest hitched with the deep breath she took in. And held. Sneed carefully pressed the tip to his scalpel to her eyelid, pressing until it sank into her skin. Through it. He tossed it aside, where it landed with clatter on his table, using his other hand to carefully push the sharp end of the hook out through the newly created hole. Then he grasped his bolt cutters, snipped off the end of the hook, and pulled it back out of the original site of injury. “Got it.” 
Sneed sprayed more of the antiseptic and grabbed a piece of cloth to carefully dab at the remaining moisture and blood. 
“What are the fish for?” 
“To eat, of course.” 
“Rainsford.” She copied his tone. Equal mix frustration and amusement. Glad someone found this to be funny. 
“The Govenor and Lady Jane are not one to ask for fish for supper unless they are hosting,” Sneed explained starting to stitch up her eyelid. “And I do not believe catching them would be a task Lady Jane would bestow upon you.” He gave a sharp tug on the thread in his hand, smiling ruefully at the sharp gasp of pain from his patient. “You are selling them, I suppose. The fish. Why?” 
Molly was silent for a moment. “Everyone wishes for fortune, wouldn’t you say?” she asked. 
“I suppose so,” he agreed. Setting down the thread he leaned over her, grasping her chin in between his fingers, turning her head this way and that. “Now, slowly, open your eyes.” He watched as she did so, her hazel eyes fixing on him immediately despite the puffiness of one of her eyes. Silence filled the space as they looked at each other before Sneed found himself pushing himself away from her with swiftness. He cleared his throat, clasping his hands behind his back as he calmed himself. “What can you see?” 
She smiled.  “You.” 
“Good evening,” Molly quickly stopped what she was doing to grasp the folds of her dress in a courtesy as Sneed stepped into the warm kitchen. “You’re back on your two feet, Rainsford!” 
“Glad that you can even see me at all,” Sneed responded with a tight nod of his head. He gazed around the bustling space, absentmindedly repeatedly smoothing his hand down the front of his shirt. “I suppose everything is healing well.” 
“Suppose,” Molly replied. She lifted her hand and gingerly pressed her eyelid. The swelling had gone down immensely. No lasting issues seem to be apparent other than a particularly rough feeling when he blinked. Even that was dissipating with time. “Suppose you are as well?” Her gaze flittered from his lips to his leg. “That is why you came in? To check on your patient?” 
“Yes, of course.” Sneed rapidly nodded his head before taking another step closer to her. He looked around once more and seeming to be appeased with the fact that no one else was paying attention to him, he stepped closer to her and lowered his voice. “It is not just that. I wished to know what was to be served tonight at supper?” 
Molly’s eyebrows came towards each other as she put down the knife she was about to press into the lump of bread dough before her. Then she turned towards him, eyes twinkling with recognition. She felt a smile come to her face as he watched Sneed shift uncomfortably from foot to foot. 
Rainsford Sneed. Recognized surgeon. Nervous. 
“Nothing with pepper, I assure you,” she replied. She blinked rapidly, startled at the loud “Sssshh” he hissed in her face, looking around. Rolling her eyes, Molly lowered her voice. “There is no pepper in tonight’s meal. Promise.” She then widened her eyes innocently. “Should I ask that it no longer be served to you?” She placed a hand upon her hip. “I’ll make sure Fanny is aware.” She couldn’t stop the frostiness that suddenly coated her words when she added, “Or is it Lady Belle you’d wish to know this about you?” 
He seemed to stiffen; his eyes boring into her. Yes, she was aware of Lady Fanny’s infatuation. And the proposal. And the reason for the duel leading to Sneed’s injured leg. And the Pepper Jelly. Fanny was all atwitter about the whole thing; finding no listening ear in her own sister. Not that Molly was mad. It was actually quite funny. In an annoying kind of way. 
“No, I don’t suppose...they’d need...to know,” he finished quietly. 
“Suppose not.” 
“Though, should you ever want to be tempted again to try...” Molly reached for the small clay bowl in front of her. “I suggest you protect yourself, eh.” 
She dipped her fingers into what looked like some sort of clear jam and spread it across her fingers. Then, she took his chin with one hand, and started to slowly smear the cool jam over his lips. “To save you from another stay in bed, of course.” 
Upon releasing him, Sneed pressed his now shiny lips together. He silently blinked in response to Molly’s smile of mirth as she turned back to preparing that night’s meal. It took a moment for her to realize he was still standing there, just watching her. Still blinking. She jumped slightly at the revelation before relaxing into a playful smile. 
“What?” she asked him over her shoulder. He had his hands up to his lips. “You don’t trust me, Dr Sneed?” 
“What is this?” he finally asked, venturing a swipe of his tongue over his lips. 
“Animal fat.” One side of Molly’s mouth briefly lifted at the alarmed look on Sneed’s face. “You eat the rest of the animal, don’t you?” She had seen it numerous times when he was extended the invitation to sit with the Governor. “We put it on our hands sometimes. Helps from getting any of the spices under our nails. Hurts like the devil, sometimes, doesn’t it?” 
“Our guest will be arriving soon. Girls, I need you out front.” Lady Jane’s voice was carried from the front of the estate. 
“Well, alright, yes, thank you,” Sneed said with a quick nod of his head. “For the tip.” 
“You’re welcome, Dr. Sneed.” Molly cleared her throat. She rolled her shoulders back, tipping her chin upwards. She did not wish for Lady Jane to find her falling behind in her work. Not on a day so important to Fanny. Only a simple glance across the table as she helped serve dinner would give away her proclivity of “Oh, Dr. Sneed?” 
“Yes?” Sneed asked, spinning on the ball of his foot in the doorway. 
“Glad to see you, too.” 
Sneed bent forward in a short, quick bow, his lips lifting into a prideful smile. He mimed a quick tipping of his hat before leaving the kitchen. Laughing quietly through her nose, Molly shook her head, before getting back to the task at hand. 
Tag List: @ocappreciationtag @foxesandmagic @witchofinterest @ochub @darknightfrombeyond. If anyone else wishes to be added to the tag list for The Artful Dodger and my OC (who I still can't decide on the name of), let me know!
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butcharondir · 10 months
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THE ARTFUL DODGER (2023) // Episode 5: The Duel
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lasaraconor · 7 months
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